Sing old Kent carols

The many, many local carols around the country are often forgotten, but they’re wonderful to sing – so for more than a decade we have been bringing some of Kent’s almost forgotten carols back to life.

They’re very different to the same few carols we hear in church or on TV each year, and that difference makes them interesting, joyful and fun to sing!

Many that we sing come from a book of Kent carols Arise and Hail the Happy Day researched and edited by George Frampton, and published by the Faversham Society (it’s number 124 on their list). However, we have identified some other sources too.

For information contact Gavin at 07985 522734 and

Locally sung carols we have revived

Tune, harmony and text:

Tune and text (where available):

Modern carol:

Sounds (YouTubes):

Popular old carols that are still sung today and which we also sing

Download printable lyric sheets without music here: Carol songsheets 2019.

I’d like to thank George Frampton, Helen Mitcham, Adrian Waters, John Moore and Kathy Wallwork for their help in sourcing this material, and to Kathy for the harmonies.

Sing, dance and play – English traditional and old fashioned music, dance and song in the heart of Kent