X:1 T:Silverton Polka, The T: Transcribed from sessions by Gavin Atkin. I think it's best as an un-dotted hornpipe as noted here, but it's more often T: played as a polka. I don't intend to note it out as a polka unless asked to do so! You will find other versions played T: and notated here and there, including the version included in Barry Callaghan's book Hardcore English. M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=180 K:G |:(3def|g2G2 G2Bc|dedc B2AB|c2E2 E2AG|FGFE D2 (3def| g2G2 G2Bc|dedc B2AB|c2E2 AGFE|1D2G2 G2:|2D2G2 G2GE|| |:D2G2 BAGF|E2c2 c4|E2c2 cBAc|e2d2 B2A2| D2G2 BAGF|E2c2 c4|dgfe dcBG|A2G2 G2 GE:| |:D2DD DGFG|E2EE E2AG|F2FF FDEF|GFGA BAGE| D2DD DGFG|E2EE E2AG|F2FF FDEF|1G2B2 G2 GE:|2G2G2 G2GA|| |:B2B2 BDGA|B2B2BDGA|Bgfe dcBA|B2A2A2 GA| B2B2 BGAB|c2c2 cABc|dgfe dcBA|1B2 G2 G2 A2:|2B2G2 G2|]