X: 1 T:The Man in the Moon S:Scan Tester M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G |:"D7" D2|"G" G3A G2|"D7" F2E2D2|"G" G2A2B2|"C" c4Bc|"G"d4 "D7"c2|"G" B2 "D7" c2A2|"C" G6|"G" G4:| Bc|"G" d6|"Bm" d6|"C" c2A2B2|"D7"c6|"G"B3A Bc|d2B2G2|"C" E2F2G2|"D"A2F2D2| "G" G3A G2|"D7"F2E2D2|"G" G2A2B2|"C" c4Bc|"G" d4c2| "G" B2 "D7" c2A2|"C" G6|"G" G2 z2|] W:This sweet little waltz has lyrics that make it a comic nonsense song. This abridged set of words comes W:from the touring and recording band The Full English. More lyrics and information about the song W:can be can be found here: W: W: https://mainlynorfolk.info/folk/songs/maninthemoon.html W:- W:When a bumper is filled, it is vexing, no doubt, W:To find when you rise that the wine has run out; W:And sure it's an equally unpleasant thing W:To be asked for a song when you've naught left to sing. W:I could sing something old, if an old one would do, W:But the world it is craving to have something new. W:But what to select for the words or the tune? W:I, in fact, know no more than the Man in the Moon. W: W:Chorus (after each verse): W:The Man in the Moon a new light on us throws, W:He's a man we all talk of but nobody knows. W:And though a high subject, I'm getting in tune, W:I'll just sing a song for the Man in the Moon. W: W:'Tis said that some people are moonstruck, we find, W:But the Man in the Moon must be out of his mind. W:But it can't be for love for he's quite on his own, W:No ladies to meet him by moonlight alone. W:It can't be ambition, for rivals he's none, W:At least he is only eclipsed by the sun, W:But when drinking, I say, he is seldom surpassed, W:For he always looks best when he's seen through a glass. W: W:The Man in the Moon he must lead a queer life, W:With no one around him, not even a wife, W:No friends to console him, no children to kiss, W:No chance of his joining a party like this. W:But he's used to high life, for each all circles agree, W:That none move in such a high circle as he, W:And though nobles go up in their royal balloon, W:They're not introduced to the Man in the Moon.